Christophe Perillat has taken the top executive position at Valeo during the most challenging period for the auto industry in recent memory. He steps into the shoes of longtime CEO Jacques Aschenbroich, who helped build the French megasupplier into a leader in 48-volt electrification, ADAS and lidar, and set up a joint venture to produce electric motors with Siemens. Perillat talked to Automotive News Europe News Editor Peter Sigal about his vision for the supplier at Valeo’s new headquarters in Paris.
You worked under former CEO Jacques Aschenbroich for many years, most recently as chief operating officer. So, you know the company very well. What is your vision for Valeo?
I strongly believe that the transformation that we are seeing in the auto industry is huge, and it will also change the value chain. So, we looked very carefully at how we can not only prepare for that transformation but also be a leading actor in it. In our Move Up strategic plan, we are focusing on key areas where we have developed the right technologies, which are the acceleration of electrification and the acceleration of the ADAS business. And although these are the two main trends, they have consequences on the rest of the car, for example, what I call the “lighting everywhere” effect -- everywhere around the car, inside the car -- and a reinvention of the interior experience because space has been freed by the [removal of the] combustion powertrain.
Move Up is a very simple plan. It's about accelerating growth by focusing on the megatrends of the industry. It's about reducing our cost because at the end of the day we have to be competitive. And it's about making more choices in our product portfolio, and this is where I announced divestments in the order of magnitude of 500 million euros worth of assets.